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Monday, 30 April 2012


A little over 60% of Nigerians gave their children 0valtine during the 80s.That creamy yet cocoa filled taste...Hmmm.

And then, suddenly we were all taking more of Milo and Bournvita. Bournvita has gone through a lot of Rebranding though.Some people took Horlicks and the likes too. 

 I take Milo almost every morning at work with my Hollandia milk(addicted to this milk-topic for another day), and some nights, very cold Ovaltine.

 My mum loves Ovaltine though. 

 Some people don't even take none of the above mentioned , because according to them, it makes them fat. Darling, a cup of hot or cold beverage with enough exercise and good portion eating diet will make u stronger and still loose some weight.
 I know of people who have changed from one to the other and can't go back to drinking the one they used to. Yet some of us just stick to one. 

 What's your favourite? Why? 


ko said...

My preference is always for bagged tea but when I have to take any beverage, it definitely has to be Milo.

Austine said...

I love milo o

Anonymous said...

Prefer bournvita cos it tastes kinda like real cocoa less milk and sugar

Chika said...

Love Milo, the 'bestest'