Hello all, been a loooonng time. I've been super busyyyyy. so sorry.
Beautiful skin comes from the inside,what you eat and drink,products you use on your skin also plays a major role too.
GORGEOUS LOOK's products will give you beneficial result and is worth the price..We will
educate you on skin types and how to protect your skin from damaging.we will tell you how and what to use on your skin.
Facials with good products is good for your face as it will protect your face from damage such as pimples,dark spot, maintain oily face,wrinkles and the likes.
We at GORGEOUS LOOK sell body and face cream,pimples treatment,toning and oil control soaps,scrub,ointments for sun burn ,dark laps
and armpit,blackheads,dark cycle,oil,dark knuckles .
Our products are for all skin types and are herbal and natural.
Facial is good for your face,it will protect your face
from damage such as pimples,dark spot, oily face,wrinkle and more. We also have
product that will make your skin glow,body cream that will not give u stretch
mark but will make your skin look good.
Apply sun screen on your face anytime you are going out under the sun. This will prevent your face from sun burn,use moisturizers for your face
that contain SPF(Sun Protecting Factor) of at least 15% because your face is more sensitive to sun damage
and sun burn than the rest of your body.
Get your skin care now by calling GORGEOUS LOOK on 08079123559.