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Sunday, 10 March 2013


The ENERGY DRINK industry has spread like wildfire, which means energy drinks and the highs they offer are available to pretty much everyone regardless of their dangers and side effects. It’s not like you have to be of legal age to buy a bottle, like you do with cigarettes, alcohol or even lottery tickets. Even kids are getting their hands on them.

There’s a slight element of danger in energy drinks that makes them a bit intriguing as well. After all, they contain controversial ingredients – namely guarana, taurine, caffeine, Cyanocobalamin, citric acid and ginseng. Even though these are basically harmless when taken in low dosages, studies have shown that these ingredients can do major damage to people who don’t know how to spell moderation. This means too many people are consuming energy drinks in excess, for the wrong reasons.

On top of that, our society is one of excess. This has many believing that if one energy drink can give them a good buzz, then drinking one after the other would be an ideal way to sustain a buzz all evening. This might make sense when you’re fuelled by a caffeine high, however even the manufacturers themselves warn against drinking more than two energy drinks a day. Unfortunately the dangerous mix of energy and alcohol will often leave you with no idea of how many drinks you’ve consumed. By then it’s a bit late for manufacturers’ warnings.

Always find out the particular ingredients in your preferred drink and read its nutritional label.

However, some ENERGY DRINKS have helpful ingredients and they’ve been used to promote health in the past.

Not to bore you,let's take Guarana and Taurine:-

Guarana – At first look, most modern day health professionals excuse guarana as just a natural equivalent to caffeine, however this plant has been traditionally used to treat diarrhea and to prevent blood clots. Still, our ancestors also used guarana much in the same way we do today – to promote physical endurance, overcome exhaustion, increase mental acuity and long-term memory, to combat premature aging, increase sexual libido and, of course, as an energy tonic.

Taurine – One of the most abundant acidic chemicals in the human body is found in the central nervous system and skeletal tissues, but it’s very concentrated in the brain and heart. Taurine is basically a substance that helps to regulate heartbeat, maintain cell membrane stability and prevent brain cell overactivity. It is often used to treat anxiety, hyperactivity, hypoglycemia, epilepsy, hypertension and seizures. It may also help lower blood pressure. The levels of taurine in a normal child’s brain are four times higher than that in adult brains. This is why many people believe that taurine supplementation for adults may help to boost brain function and creativity.

Which of the numerous ENERGY DRINKS do you take?