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Sunday, 23 September 2012



   Ever smiling and beautiful Sherifat is yet another new generation designer and the brain behind the label
   Clothing by 'Reefah.

From traditional and edgy to vintage and especially timeless pieces, Clothing by 'Reefah takes a flip towards delivering simple,unique and modern trend from season to season.

Although she may have considered the regular nine-five job, she has no regrets whatsoever that she ended up in the fashion Art business.
Tastefully selected colors,fresh,bright and clean fabrics with quality recognition that makes you want to make a statement is where she gets her everyday inspiration from.

Twitter: reefahroyce
#. : 08024246600

Saturday, 8 September 2012


THE ROAD SHOW or as I call it- ''Rush Hour Relaxer'' is hosted by the amazing  FREEZE and the sexy KAYLAH on COOL FM-96.9 in NIgeria from 3pm-8pm.

I always get stuck in Rush hour traffic and this duo keep me laughing and talking with my colleague in the car so much that i dont even feel the stress of moving bumper to bumper. most times i'm like -freeeze can yab sha! And my friend will be like -no, freeze did ojoro for that last caller while playing UNDER PRESSURE (love this game).   

 At times, we talk about how sexy and fun Kaylah's laugh is, especially when Freeze yabs THE VOICE or when           FEMI $ THE GANG come in for the FOOTBALL FAN SHOW. Between FEMI's voice and THE VOICE's ...sigh!.. Lol!.

We all can attest or confirm that for one or two gists or topics addressed at a point by this fun duo, we have had to think about, call in or talk about it with friends, during Rush hour,in our homes or offices.

Note to self- the day i get to meet KAYLAH, i'll take one of her fashion items!.
I remember the day i saw and hugged! And the way he says on radio- Who's your DADDY?!!!!!

Thanks to and for the pictures.

What do you think of this COOL DUO?