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Monday, 30 April 2012


A little over 60% of Nigerians gave their children 0valtine during the 80s.That creamy yet cocoa filled taste...Hmmm.

And then, suddenly we were all taking more of Milo and Bournvita. Bournvita has gone through a lot of Rebranding though.Some people took Horlicks and the likes too. 

 I take Milo almost every morning at work with my Hollandia milk(addicted to this milk-topic for another day), and some nights, very cold Ovaltine.

 My mum loves Ovaltine though. 

 Some people don't even take none of the above mentioned , because according to them, it makes them fat. Darling, a cup of hot or cold beverage with enough exercise and good portion eating diet will make u stronger and still loose some weight.
 I know of people who have changed from one to the other and can't go back to drinking the one they used to. Yet some of us just stick to one. 

 What's your favourite? Why? 

Friday, 27 April 2012


Butt Pads, Enhancers, Bulge enhancer(for men obviously), Breast pads help give your butt, breast or bulge that cushion effect.

Butt pads come in different sizes and shapes.For ladies with frying pan bum like mine or the wide yet chinese looking ones, you can make that dress,skirt or even swimsuit look curvier and fuller.

The breast pads are cool too.Some brassieres come with removable pads or silicone sac.You can get the removable ones and change or stuff as you like.

The butt pads and hip ones feel just like normal undies.You can even wear the two together.Just remove the pads for the hips, insert on your sides after wearing the butt pads.Plus you don't have to worry about your date or colleagues knowing when you hug,because it feels soft and natural.

Two of my cousin's friends sell The Butt and Hip pads at N2000 and N2500 respectively.

Okay, the Bulge Enhancers!,is a front pad that can increase your bulge from 1-2 inches and is as the name suggests, a shocking increase. Some Male models use it during competitions.

Even if you're not a model, say you have a pool party or you are an actor or musician and you have a video to shoot and u're not "packing", you can enhance your looks.

I remember that Bond movie where Daniel Craig came out of the water looking all yummy!...*sigh

Thursday, 26 April 2012


Be it Deep tissue, Aromatherapy or Hot stone massage.One is guaranteed a relaxing and soothing time!.
The Thai massage is indescribable too!!.

There are several Massage Parlours in Nigeria now with excellent services, though some Hair Salons now have Masseuse on ground to massage you after making your hair too.

Friday, 20 April 2012


12 million customers and still counting, wow!...Etisalat brand has really come here to stay! mum has 3 phones and she says Etisalat serves her well even when she travelled and roamed for a while...They are unique!...Like they say...Etisalat, is not just a network, it is an attitude!!!...:)


Such a cutey!!! right?....ok lets talk about diapers!...we have sooooo many out there now,,though HUGGIES is still d most expensive...PAMPERS PREMIUM IS GOOD TOO...Atleast my friends use it....but we have some other ones too that holds as much as HUGGIES n PAMPERS...I know some people who stil use cloth,,n use diapers for when goin out with the baby....abi?...:)

Thursday, 19 April 2012



Hi all, This is a new blog!!!>>>Yay!!!!....FABPROSERV is all about celebrating fabulous products/services/ideas. We get to talk about what we'v benefited from various products and/or competitors of different brands..You can air ur views too...pls not too harsh o!!...Hopefully people behind these brands and services will take to our complaints n thank yous and improve to serve us better!...Please invite friends!!!....Thankshio! ...Welcome once again...:)